Appointment Form Buffalo, NY February 7th Columbus, OH February 10th Phoenix, AZ February 17th Baltimore, MD February 18th Los Angeles, CA February 21st Your Details * Full Name: * Email: * Telephone Number: Appointment Details * Date of Booking: * Time of Booking: —Please choose an option—123456789101112 : —Please choose an option—00153045 —Please choose an option—AMPM * Duration: —Please choose an option—1 hour90 mins2 hours * GFE/PSE?: —Please choose an option—GFEPSE * What city would you like to schedule for?: Screening Options (choose your preferred method of screening) Companion ReferencesEmployment VerificationP411 Companion References Minimum of 2 references from companions you have visited in the last 6 months. Name, website, email + phone number. * Companion reference 1: * Companion reference 2: Employment Verification * Position: * Company name: * Company main phone number: * Your direct line: * LinkedIn page: with 250+ connections and profile picture. P411 * Please provide your P411 details for verification: Additional Information * Where did you hear about me? —Please choose an option—InstagramTwitterLinkedInGoogleDirectoryOther * If other, please state below: * Please enter the directory name below: